Monday, July 20, 2015

Study tonight for my...interview?

Hey out there.

I'm a DJ and although the work is fun, let's be real: it's not as steady a job as I like it to be.

That means that some DJ's have a full-time job to fall back on, or like myself, are looking for a full-time job. So every weekday, I treat my job search like an actual job: search between 9 to 5 with a lunch break at noon and little breaks in between. But today is a little different.

See, all those days of scrubbing my resumes and applying for jobs has led to yet another job interview tomorrow. But as all job-seekers know, you can't just go to an interview. You have to practice the night before. It's just like studying for a big exam.

So I got my TAP manual from my Navy days, one or two interview-question websites bookmarked and all of my notes ready. The things that quickly got me a job in the past aren't enough anymore. Apparently, thank-you notes are a must nowadays, not just an extra touch. So after I get off of here, I'm gonna read over the resume that was tailored to the position, rehearse the questions, say the answers with no hesitation and with confidence. If I can carry on a conversation with the same enthusiasm as I do while behind a mic, maybe I'll have a better chance of getting the job.

Okay, you got me. So today's post isn't about deejaying. But DJ's have other lives too. Leave a comment and don't forget to follow me. Later...

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